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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Expect the unexpected :D

           Hi again. :D This favorite college experience of mine occurred last year, during our first semester. I really wasn't expecting anything like this, but it was the best and the most unexpected thing that has ever happened to me during my first year in college. :D
            It's a very uneasy day for me, and for most of us as well. My hands got clammy each time I think of my first preliminary exams in Mathematics in my alma mater. As I was sitting in the train, I keep on reading my notes, troubled that I might forget the formulas and other Math terms. My mind was playing tricks on me when I got out of the train, that I might fail my first exam. Great, very helpful, Mind. I got more nervous. As I got to school, I saw everybody studying, asking questions and answering Math problems. I sat down, then opened my notes again. Some of my classmates approached me and asked some questions. Unfortunately, our professor always arrive early, so we always got less time to study or anything. He told us to fix our chairs with one seat apart. As I looked behind to see if I was lined correctly, I got flummoxed which line to follow, because it was a crooked one. Fail. I ignored it and concentrated on what was happening again. Our professor said to prepare ourselves then keep our notes. If I'm not mistaken, he also mentioned that we should pray. When he said that, I made the sign of the cross and prayed silently while he was giving out the test papers. Our professor used the wise style in test papers. He gave the two sets of exams alternately. Set A for the first column, then Set B for the second column then Set A again for the third column and so forth. In this case, cheating can be avoided. Then I prayed again once I got my hands on my test paper. I got Set B. 
            At first I told myself that it was easy, but I got over extra careful (hahaha) with the answers and my solutions. My seatmate keeps on bugging me for reasons I can't remember. Jeez. When I was finished, I keep on re-checking my answers and solutions and getting crazy and paranoid all over. Then I'm done. I sat there, in my seat, still a little troubled, having that feeling that I might fail or I have a wrong computation. I looked around to rest my mind for a while, and I was shocked to find out that everybody's still answering! Then I got this paranoia again. I can only count in my fingers who are already done, but still.. I didn't re-check anymore, I got lazy and just told myself good luck. 
            After a few minutes, the papers must be passed now. Our professor collected it by set and I still got time to check again my paper, I'm really nervous that I also thought that I might have skipped a number or something, but every item has an answer. I took a deep breath, then passed my paper as my professor asked for the next set. I let out a sigh after that.
             The following day, our professor announced the scores. That mini-heart attack. I really hate moments like this. My heart was palpitating. I don't aim for the perfect score, I only aim to pass. There were only 30 items in our exam, but it was an average one, there are easy items and hard ones. He mentioned the students in our class who got high scores and the highest ones got 29, and those students who passed, but didn't get a high score. I was waiting for my name, but there was nothing. My heart palpitated even more when I WASN'T CALLED. I wanted to go home and cry, well I actually wanted to cry at that moment, knowing that I failed, but I held myself. I can't cry in front of all these people. It's just an exam, they would say, but it means a lot to me. I never failed an exam nor perfected a Math exam before, but this moment? I hated myself for being so stupid and reckless and all that. After all those re-checking and studying in the train, I just failed. Shame. How am I going to tell my mom about this? "Mom, I failed my first exam. Sorry." Hey, I can't just do that! And it wouldn't be as easy as that either! I was choosing the right words how to tell my mom about this. I looked away, at the window to compose myself. My seatmate was chatting me, telling me her happy moments with her boyfriend, but none of her words seemed to get in my head. I just keep on nodding, but my mind was really flying. There were times that I smile at her, to show her that I'm not upset at all.
            Our professor was telling my other classmates who failed, well including me I guess, better luck next time, do our best and stuff. I didn't listen. That must have taken 5 or 10 minutes when our professor said, "The one who got the highest score is..." Those words caught my attention, then my heart was racing again. He smiled to all of us and mentioned the same words. I told myself, "Woah, who is that? Someone got a perfect score! I wonder who's that genius." I looked at my classmates, but all of their eyes are on our professor, so I just followed their gaze. 
             My professor smiled again. Could he just stop smiling and tell who that student is? Then he looked at me, and his face looks like he want to burst out laughing. He shifted his gaze fast then looked at my other classmates. But I got that one percent of hope, though I'm not assuming. After maybe 30 seconds or whatever, he mentioned the student who got the perfect score. And it was me. 
             I was too stunned to speak at first, I almost jumped in my seat and got my eyeballs wide asking myself if this is just a dream. If I'm not mistaken, I said, "What?! What's the highest score?!", forgetting that it was a perfect score. I mentioned this to my seatmate and to my professor who didn't even hear me because of all the shouts of my classmates. I can't even hear myself that well. My other seatmate was shaking me, telling me that I did great, but I was still culture shocked. My heart is still racing but I'm starting to accept that now. :D I calmed myself down, and I really felt that tinge of happiness that my classmates were still shouting for me. They, too, must have been stunned by that announcement our professor made. They weren't expecting that either. Then he called me to get my paper there in front, and my classmates shouted even more, congratulating me and telling me I was good and many more. I thanked them as I passed by. I feel like a famous actress walking on a red carpet. But I still can't believe it. :D 
           Our professor congratulated me too, and he told me I did great. I keep on thanking him even when I'm already seated down. My classmates calmed down too, but there is still that stunned look on their faces. My classmates who are near me get to see my paper. They were saying all the praises I couldn't even remember. I was so happy. :D Then the class was dismissed. Before our professor left, he told me this: "Do well on your midterms, okay? You did great today." I smiled and thanked him again. He smiles and leaves the room. 
           Those words of my professor really mean a lot to me that I still can remember that until today. :D My classmates were asking me how I did that, I told them I just got lucky, which I think it really is. From that day on, when there is really a hard item on our homework our professor gives, they ask me. But I'm not really a Math genius. In fact, when I was in high school, I always get a low grade in my quizzes, seat works and exams. I'm telling this to my classmates every time they tease me, but they wouldn't believe me, so I just stopped explaining. They won't listen. HAHAHA :)) 
          Really, this is something that I can't forget. One of my best moments. :D While I'm typing this, I still can't help but smile. :)) I'm still thinking I was back at that day, and having that mini-heart attack, about wanting to cry and go home, then change my mind all of a sudden. This experience really suits that title that I gave, "Expect the unexpected." :))) 

Friday, May 17, 2013

It's been quite a while :))

        Yep, the title says it all. :)) The very last time I updated my blog (before I posted my article about photography) was February. I was really busy the following month, the Finals Month, we'd say. I am always tired when I get home, and I multitask a lot. Plus! I get to sleep late most of the time, then wake early in the morning. A family friend of ours came to visit one day, and she told me I got thin. Well, I AM thin, I really don't get fat, even if I eat a ton. I just have a fast metabolism, that's all. HAHAHA. Anyway, that's what she noticed of me. I also got big eye bags during those times that I might pass for a horror booth. LOL. :)) 
       Many things happened here and there; excitement, fear, agony, happiness and many more. I slept on the train most of the time on my way to school, but if drowsiness doesn't drop by, I just bring out my notes to study. Every time I arrived in our room, it was a total mess. Others doing work, chatting for group activities, while others--well, they play pranks on our other classmates who are really busy. I am one of the victims, sad to say. LOL =)) Despite these crazy moments, we still manage to control ourselves, and the time. 'Control ourselves'? That sounds like we're  mental patients! HAHAHA! Just kidding! :)) Some of us just turns weird because of too much work. :)) But we enjoyed the busy life. :D 
        During the last month of classes, sickness has planned to stay in me. I got pneumonia by that time, and I got really terrified that our family doctor might take on a surgery, but, my doctor is the best, and healed me with medicine only. No need for surgery. :)) Despite that sickness I got, I still go to school, I don't like being left out of anything, especially lessons. Anyway, a month felt like a year to us, we did so many videos this semester, and I get to see my face acting and making drama stuff. Jeez. I'll post the videos later. :)) 
        The last thing that I would want to talk about was that Hawaiian dance. Seriously. Of all the dances that we could dance. :(( This is really not meant for me, remember when I said I danced like a robot? Yeah. This includes swaying hips and stuff like that; that doesn't suit me at all. HAHAHA. But I have to! This will serve as our final exam for PE, so that left me no choice. No matter how much I groused, I must continue. I really envy the boys' steps, they were easy! I just wished I was boy. Great. Anyway, here's a picture of me and my buddies during that day we performed. :))

        The other thing that we were grousing about is our costume. It's a skin-toned leotard! It's a very awkward feeling. I was really envious on the boys' costume, they look like Poseidon in The Lightning Thief with his summer getaway look. But, despite these complaints, we won the 2nd place! :)) But I have to admit that I like the steps, though it REALLY doesn't suit me. HAHAHA!
        My favorite part of the month was when we created our Photo Essay. :)) I was planning to post that here too, but I think maybe I'll have it next time. :D I really like that. :)) Oops, it's midnight again. :)) I gotta sleep now, I got a big day ahead tomorrow! :D I hoped I had filled the last month out. :D I guess I'll continue again 'morrow. :)) Good night!

Money, anyone?

Nicole L. Manano, A-105

                Money, money, money. Everywhere we look, money is always there. In negotiations, transactions and business, money is used. Nowadays, the value of money continues to go up and all things get more expensive. But money isn’t “money” in the olden times yet. It went a long process before money came about in the modern times. In the Money Museum at the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the evolution of money is displayed step by step.
                In the ancient times, when money is not yet known, natives use shells for payments to buy goods and other products. As time goes by, the form of payment changed to metal then to porcelain. Every time, the mode of payment differs and it improves, making the products more expensive each day. During the time when Chinese traders came in the Philippines, jade was already used. Then time passes, natives and traders alike use jewel and then gold for payments. In the Money Museum of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the real gold used during that time was preserved there. It was still perfect to the eyes, and karats were also mentioned.
                Eventually, the Spaniards came in our country, and everything around us changed, even the form of payment. During their time, in the Galleon trade, they used their own currency, the reales. This currency of the Spaniards began the use of money in our country, and different styles and perspectives were used by the Filipinos of that time to create their own currency. In the time of war with the conquerors, the Philippine Republic had their own money. They have the resistance currencies, and in the various provinces in the Philippines differ from one another. Here are the provinces that used these currencies: Cagayan, Palawan, Mountain Province, Apayao, Ilocos Norte, Iloilo, Cebu, Bohol, Leyte and Negros.
                 When President Manuel L. Quezon is seated as president, the Philippines’ coinage also took place during the 1930s. There were coins that merge the United States and the Philippines, and medals too. In this period, the heroes that played a major role in the country’s historical background had their faces engraved in the Philippines’ currency. Until now, some of these heroes’ faces were still present in our currency. They are Andres Bonifacio, Apolinario Mabini and of course, our very own Dr. Jose Rizal.
                All throughout the years from the time of the Commonwealth, the improvement of the Philippine money also took place. It came in different forms, styles and shapes. Each coin and paper bill has a symbolic or historical account which reminds the Filipinos the wonders of the Philippines and the heroes and people who risked their lives for their country. As time goes on and on, bit by bit, the value of money increases. Before, there were paper bills for 10 pesos, 5 pesos, 2 pesos and even 1 peso, but today in the modern times, these paper bills of small amount of money were disregarded. Today, 2 peso and 5 peso bills are no longer present, but the 10 pesos and 1 peso were created as coins. Last year, the new set of Philippine paper bills and the new 1 peso coin were already issued. It changed to a new perspective and theme, but the colours still remained. Today, Philippine paper bills improved and had a more different theme. In the back of each paper bill nowadays, the Philippines’ natural wonders were designed, and it came to a new era.
                But, money is not just a mode of payment that people use all around the world. In our country, every part and design of the Philippine paper bill has its own symbolical meaning. Through these designs, our money is beautified in every detail. Here are some of the paper bills parts. First, we have the lacework design which is composed of criss-crossed line on the right side of the paper bill. It is in various colors and it is traceable even at the intersection. Next we have the vignette, which is distinct and sharp, and it has a varying color tone which gives a vivid look to the picture that makes it stand out of the paper. Then there is the portrait, and it appears life-like. Usually, the portraits in the paper bills are pictures of our selected Philippine presidents, and on the back page it shows the different wonders of the Philippines, heroes, and other historical events that shaped the Philippines’ background. These parts of the money also tells us the story of our country in only a single bill, and it is important for us to look back at all these events, because these also helped us Filipinos from what we are now today, and it also defines what Filipinos are really are.
                This collection of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is a very remarkable collection because they have traced the beginning of money from the time of the Chinese up until the present. These pieces of evidence show the improvement of money, the changes it undergo, and the different historical remarks that are embedded and printed on every single coin or paper bill.
                Money is meant to be spent, but money is also wisely kept. 

(This article is one of my write-ups that I passed for our final exams. It's been quite a while since I last updated my blog, so I think I'll start tonight. I hope you enjoyed it!)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Can I take a shot?

Can I take a shot?
By Nicole Manano

                                Frederick R. Barnard once said that, “A picture paints a thousand words.” This quote has become very popular, and the meaning of this quote is easily distinguished from its words. Every picture that we see always contains a hidden message. This generation, pictures have become part of our lives now. Most of us take pictures to serve as memories; others take it as a hobby and passion, while others take it just to have fun.
        Since pictures are very famous today, these are also used now to earn a huge amount of money. Before, photography is only a hobby to most of us, but presently, it has become a job too. In photography, we can see different images of life, look deeper into the depths of nature and find beauty in every object there is. Photography is a very marvelous hobby or passion, and we get to learn more about it. As a student, I have photography as one of my subjects and I myself am fascinated when I started taking shots and see the beauty that lies around me.
                This is my first shot, and it’s kind of fail though, but I got a good mark. As the time goes by, I learned to take shots better, and it improved somehow. This vacation, I started to take pictures of nature and many others. As I have mentioned earlier, photography finds beauty in every object there is. Nature is the best and most common object of photography, because it has many hidden wonders.
                Monochrome setting is one of the best features that revolve in the world of photography. People often say that using the monochrome setting brings out the ‘drama’ in a photo and it becomes unique and more alluring. Black and white objects will show more details if this setting is applied. This setting goes well with the Rule of Thirds, a concept in photography that the object is not in the center of focus, but it is on either side, just like this one. This concept is one of my favorites, that is why almost all of my shots are in the Rule of Thirds.
                There are some pictures that make one think, “How was that picture taken?” I’m sure this has popped in your mind, too. Photographers do all positions to take a good angle or shot of their object. If they have to kneel, they’ll do that; or if they have to lie down, they’ll surely do it. As for me, I didn’t lie down, but I just crouched and my camera almost touched the ground to get a good shot.
              Before, when I don’t have enough knowledge of photography yet, I always use the Automatic or the Auto mode. But since my classes with photography began, our professor told us to use the Manual mode from that day on, and I also found out something on the internet, just a short message saying: “You are not a photographer. You just have an overpriced camera.” I was hurt at first, because as I’ve said I am an auto user before. When you use the Manual mode, all your photography skills and knowledge will pay off, and will surely pave your way to be a photographer.
                Photos are really amazing; one can make a reverie out of it, or earn with it. I once depended on the thought that the quality of the photos depends on the camera use, but my professor told me that it is depended on the photographer, and that explains a lot. The truth is, I only practice taking shots because of school matters, but the longer I practice, photography has become my passion too. And every shot I take, I always make sure that these photos can create a thousand words.