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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Exploring Sagada, Mountain Province (Day 2, Part 1)

          Last night, before we go to bed, my classmates and I said that we'll wake up early to catch the sunrise in Sagada. Unfortunately, sunrise had already passed when we woke up. As for me, I woke up at 7:00 am, and it was freezing cold, that my teeth was chattering and my skin created goosebumps.
        I noticed that some of my classmates already went to the market to buy food for breakfast, while others were still snoring, like my friend. While I was waking her up, I looked out the window and saw a thick layer of fog outside. My sadness about not catching sunrise was replaced by excitement when I saw the fog. Well, this wasn't just any ordinary fog. It was so low that it looks like the sky will touch the ground soon. It almost covered the roofs of nearby houses.
       I shook my friend excitedly, and she finally woke up. We carefully went outside our room to not step on our classmates who were still snoring under blankets. We gathered our cameras and fixed ourselves. As we went downstairs, I can hear my professor and some of my classmates talking. We greeted him a good morning as we prepare ourselves a hot choco.
       Last night, we had a problem with our cooked rice. My classmate told me to fix it while it's still cooking, and I added another cup of water. When it was served, the upper part of the rice was soft, but the lower part was hard. We don't have a rice cooker there, we just used a casserole.
      This morning, that same classmate of mine told me to cook our rice. So while I was waiting for my hot choco to get a little cooler, I started cooking our rice. When I was done, most of our classmates went down to join us. After a few minutes, we bid goodbye to our professor and to our other classmates who were still eating to go look at the view outside. I was a little nervous about my rice, so I left it cooking there. I just hoped it will turn out even. 
       So we went out, feeling the intense coldness of the morning. It was cloudy, foggy and a little bit gloomy, like a storm was fast approaching. I clutched my jacket closer to me as we go along. 

The early morning fog made me think that a storm was fast approaching, like it was ready to wash out the area.
      We walked farther from our house, until we end up in a field. It was wide and bountiful, just by looking at the greens. I mean, look at all the crops! Just standing there, overlooking the mountains, life was peaceful. The cold air touches your face and it makes you want to sleep again. Really, I forgot my problems for a while there.
Look at all the crops! 

Look at all the crops again! 

I forgot my problems for a while. :) 

We're in the middle of a rice field, taking shots. :)

          When we got back, I remembered my rice. My classmates were back from the market and were already preparing for breakfast. Some were waiting in line in the lavatory for bathing. While waiting, they sat and slept again. As for me, I went to check my rice. Well, it's already cooked. And yep, just by looking at it, I felt like I did a great job. It was even and soft as I touched it with a spatula. My friend who told me to cook the rice, was pleased that we finally cooked the rice right. I was proud of myself, too. Hahaha.
         Our breakfast for that day was corned beef with potatoes and margarine, cooked by my other classmate. It smelled really great that our stomachs suddenly growled. When it was served, we prayed first before we ate.
We had our 'selfie' with our viand for that morning. Hahaha!
There goes my rice. Hahaha! My classmate fried it and added margarine and corned beef. :)

         After eating, we went to our usual duties. Others cleaned the table, while we wash the dishes. There are some who were running to the lavatory to.. you know. Some went up the stairs to fix their things, while others stayed outside and took pictures and 'selfies'. When we were all done, our professor announced that we'll be going to the Echo Valley Park after an hour or so. So while waiting for that, we took pictures and shared stories with each other. 

My beloved friends and our block. :)) 

Smile! :) 

One of my classmates suggested to show a fierce look. Our professor took these photos.

Stolen shots by our classmates and friends. :) 

My buddies! :) 

I seriously love this photo. :) Photo credits to Ayshea Perucho. :) 

         When we were all done preparing, our professor led us to the Echo Valley Park. It was a bit far from our house, but we just walked to get there. Before reaching Echo Valley Park, one will see a parish center first, then a basketball court. On that day, the Etag festival was celebrated. "Etag" means "preserved pork meat". I took pictures there, and I saw this bell. It was enclosed in bars and it was placed in the center of town. I was about to look for someone to ask to, but I was left alone by our group. Fortunately, I saw my classmates from far away, and I headed to them. 

On our way to the Echo Valley Park. :)

There are lots of stalls here, and it is often crowded 'til night time for shoppers.

A crowd watching a team of basketball players exchange shots. 

This is the Parish Center that I saw.
This is the Sagada Church Bell. :)) I've decided to search the details about it when I get home. 

          On my right, there were these stalls everywhere, each crowded with people. While on my left, stood a church. I didn't get a chance to get inside, as our group is already moving. I just took pictures of it and moved along. Most of my classmates were taking pictures on a mini-park beside the church. When I came, they motioned me to join them in taking pictures. 

This is the church. :) 

Historical landmarks are often visited like this church. We we're still under the American regime in the year 1904, right? 

There are lots of food stalls around. I can feel the fiesta going on around here. 

Well, this soccer field looks like an arena in the Hunger Games, so I told my classmate to pose like she's ready for battle.

               Not for long, our professor all called us because we were about to reach the entrance to the Echo Valley Park. As we walked, I saw this stall, that seems isolated from the other stalls. It is found at the foot of the entrance to the said park. It is really crowded, and there were many people there, twice the number of people found in the food stalls. I stretched my neck to check, and I saw books, lots of them! There were also magazines like the National Geographic, Discovery and Reader's Digest. Song hits were also available there, and coloring books for kids. I am so tempted to buy already because all items only costs 35 php each! I grabbed four magazines and paid it instantly.

There are items that only costs 5 php! HAHAHA =))

The entrance to the Echo Valley Park. :) 
           Finally, we're entering the Echo Valley Park. The road was a little bit rocky and it was hard to walk. We passed by a cemetery, but I didn't take a picture of it. Well, we read the names and we found out that this is where the indigenous tribes bury their loved ones. We passed quietly, until we reached a one-way road. Did I mention that if you're not careful, you can fall on a cliff on your right? It was really hard to pass through, especially when people were going the opposite way.

The one-way road to the Echo Valley Park. :) Cliff on the other side. 
Scary rocky cliff on our right!

          I carefully walked on the narrow road until we reached the part where your echoes can be heard. My classmates and I shouted individually, and we laughed ourselves out. I smiled, thinking that we've gone back to being kids for just a while. We laughed when my classmate shouted and someone replied. Not for long we went back, another struggle, and I buzzed along with the crowd of shoppers in the little book stall.

Our block in the Echo Valley Park. :)

         My friends went straight ahead to the other stalls to look for souvenirs. Other bought ice cream and shirts. For me, I bought a belt which only costs a hundred pesos. I didn't buy much souvenirs today for I have bought souvenirs the night before. I bought shirts, key chains, wallets and a bag. I need to save my money because I'll be buying food souvenirs on our last day.

         Finally, our professor called us and told us to be back home for we will eat our lunch, and after a few hours, we will be visiting the Sagada Hanging Coffins. :) 

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