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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Exploring Sagada, Mountain Province (Day 3) (We Said Goodbye)

     I thought I was dreaming. Or our professor was calling us?

    Well, I wasn't. My professor started calling all of us at 5 in the morning. We have to wake up that early so we can catch the first bus ride to Baguio. It's hard to catch another ride again in case we missed it, so we have to hurry. Gladly, everyone's packed and ready. We had our breakfast rush before leaving. I wanted to take photos of our house but thought better of it, remembering about the "experiences" that happened last night.
    Finally, we left, and thanked the house for our stay. Yeah, we thanked the house. We headed to the same girl who accommodated us during our first day, and we give her our thanks. My legs are still aching from our trip in the Sumaging Cave yesterday, and didn't get any better. Now, we have heavy bags that we carry on our shoulders.
    The sun is will rise in a few minutes now, and I looked at the winding road going back to where the bus dropped us. It's still a long way, and thinking how are we going to walk any farther with these heavy bags. The cold air is touching my face, and I'm afraid I might get this hypothermia for real now. Fortunately, a pick-up vehicle helped us and we placed our luggage there. That leaves us only one bag to carry, where all the important things are.
    The line of people going back to Manila is already long, and we're strategizing on how are we all getting in the bus. There had been trouble in the line, and some lady and her fiance were telling us that they were the first in line blah blah. Okay, fine. Later, we found out that we are not complete, and three of our classmates were already ahead. We have no idea where they were. Then they called us, to go to this place where the bus will come from, so we walked a little bit farther and found the bus. One of my classmates even took pictures for us during our last day.

    Finally, when we arrived at the reached the bus, we're glad that we're the first passengers! As I sat near the window, my eyes started to get droopy, but we saw the couple who were mad at us. We all looked at them and I think they're gonna explode any minute by now. But one of us advised that we should stop looking at them and act normal. Well, they get to ride on the bus, too, but they get to sit in the middle chair. HAHAHA! We just ignored them. 
   I'm still sleepy, but I kept my eyes peeled for the sunrise. When the bus turned, whoa! I'm seeing this magnificent view! Our professor said we are at the second peak, and look at the fog, dude. It's really cool that you could just say, 'wow!' Then the view changed to mountains and so on. At that moment, we took selfies again. After that, I finally dozed off to sleep. 

     I woke up when we already reached Baguio City. The cold weather didn't get any better. I feel like my insides are frozen. The travel back here was long 'coz I felt that I slept too long. When the bus dropped us, the same classmate of mine who lost her money almost lost her bag. Well, a passenger in our bus has the same bag as hers, so that passenger got the wrong bag. This time, my classmate cried. We searched the wrong bag for information, or any ID to call the person who took her bag. Fortunately, the bus conductor was able to run after the woman. When she reached the bus, she smiled and said sorry to our classmate and to all of us. But deep inside, we hated her for being such a fool for taking the
wrong bag. My classmate was still sobbing, and keep telling herself that the girl who mistakingly took her bag was stupid.
   Anyway, we arrived at Baguio during the noon, so we left our luggage in the other bus station going back to Manila, and went to SM Baguio. I told you that we love selfies, so here we go again. 

Hahaha! Just took a selfie in SM Baguio, a different background than all the SMs in Manila. HAHAHA!

     Our block separated in to small groups to find something to eat. As for our group, we ate at Mcdonalds, then we took a stroll in the mall. When we arrived in Baguio on our first day, we ate ice cream. Today when we arrived in Baguio, we ate ice cream again. Hahaha! By 3pm, we went back to the bus station of Victory Liner and bought souvenirs. I bought food and shirts again. Last-minute shopping for some of us.
    By 4pm, the bus left Baguio, and we're going back to reality again. Saying hello to all the articles and assignments at home! Great. When it's already sunset, I took silhouette shots. I was really enjoying this that I forgot to sleep. After two hours or so, we reached our first stopover. Most of my classmates were awake, but only a few were asleep. I didn't have any more photos because I'm saving the last bar in my battery. 

Sorry for the curtain. :) 

And the electrical cables. :)

     Finally, my mom and sister fetched me along the way, and I was home by 12 midnight. I talked and talked and slept at 2 in the morning. The following day, I woke up during the afternoon and my whole body ached, but I was happy and finally, I was in my real house and I get to do my stuff. When I felt better, I ate, started uploading photos on the net and I finally began my article about our adventure in Sagada, Mountain Province. :) 

    --First of all, thank you for reading this adventure of ours. :D Our stay in Sagada for 3 days has taught us many things. We learned to survive by ourselves, observed teamwork and cooperation. I was glad while we stayed there, I felt like these people were my second family. We helped each other most of the time and strictly followed duties. Being a photojournalist is never easy. You get to travel on dangerous places, walk on slippery rocks while the cliff on your left says "I'll catch you", and smile though your body is aching. But it's fun because you get to experience all of these, and discover many things. Lastly, we get to feel like a real photo journalist. We feel like we're already working and dealing with different kinds of people. 

    This trip to Sagada was an extreme adventure for us, and we wish to come back in the future. The natives were nice and gave us a warm welcome. It's also one of the best experiences we had during our college life. Material things may be a good souvenir, but the memories were the best souvenir Sagada has ever given us. :) 

At home :) 

At the Echo Valley Park. :) 

At the Hanging Coffins in Sumaging Cave. :) 

Soon to be journalists and photojournalists. :)

A-205, AB Journalism, SY 2013-2014
Photojournalism and Event Coverage. :)
Thank you Sir Jimmy Oblena! :) 

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