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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Manila Book Fair experience. :)

                         "When I read a book, I am sent to a different dimension."
                    True story. Creative minds and wild imagination starts to gear up when people read books. And with the inspiration brought by books, they, too can begin writing their own stories.
                    As for me, books are everything, so I grabbed the chance to take part in The 34th Manila International Book Fair. 

                     The 34th Manila International Book Fair is a five-day event, with the partnership of many bookstores and publishers all throughout the country. This book fair is very popular because of the big discounts on all books, from 20% down to 80%. I enjoyed touring around the book fair with my friend, and all throughout the day, I bought seven books. And, I can say that I'll be going back in that book fair next year. 

                   People crowded the fair, composed of children, teens and adults. The line of people in the cashier won't diminish, and it just gets longer and longer every minute. It was hard for me touring around since I chose the book fair to be my event coverage for our midterms in our Broadcast Journalism subject. Our professor would have graded it by this time, and I was wondering what grade I got.

                 It was also fun since I got a book sign from one of Wattpad's popular authors today, Ate Denny, on her book Diary ng Panget 4. :D 

                  You know, I can give you tips before you indulge yourself in the fair. :)

1.) Bring eco-bags.

               --Of course you need to bring bags for your books. I can assure you that you can buy many books! While I was there, two eco-bags weighed down on my shoulders. But it was worth it! :D

2.) Create a list of books that you will buy.
               --A list would be very helpful in buying books, and it will save time, money, and energy. But sometimes, there are books that gets your attention that aren't in your list so you have to decide quickly. :)

3.) You have to save money!

              --That is a must for events like these! The entrance to the fair is only 15 pesos for students and senior citizens, while 20 pesos for a regular entrance. 

4.) Be on time.

              --As much as possible, you must arrive in the fair on its opening time so you'll have a lot of time to explore and buy the books you like. There are some books that gets out of stock easily, so you must be on time!

5.) Wear comfortable clothing.

             --You should wear the clothes wherein you feel comfortable and free to move. (I'd recommend t-shirt, jeans, and rubber shoes.) 

There you go! :D It was my first time in that fair, and I swore to myself that I'll go back next time! :D

To get an overview of the fair, you can watch my video here:


Thank you! :D

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